ISO 45001 - occupational health and safety management

ISO 45001 Certification(Occupational Health and Safety Management System) – if your employees are not safe then your organization is eager to liquidate, help your employees feel safe and connected with you with ISO 45001

ISO 45001 Certification is a worldwide ISO standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) for maintaining the operational health and safety (OH&S) management system of an organization. The main aim of ISO 45001 certification is to ensure the mental, physical and cognitive well-being of the entire workforce.

The construction industry involves the usage of heavy machinery as well as huge manpower. This industry never sleeps. Starting from the blue-collar workers to contractors, everyone is constantly up on their toes at their jobs. A small failure in safety measures can result in a devastating scenario. Thus, it becomes very important for the construction industries to design and develop a system that aims at building a safe work environment for their workforce.

The International Organization for Standardization publishes ISO 45001 standard that helps organizations in implementing the Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS). It ensures the safety of the workforce from work-related injuries and accidents. ISO 45001 certification is extremely important for the construction industry because as per the statistics, this industry has the highest number of cases of stress and injury. Hence, by implementing the ISO 45001 standard for your OHSMS you can establish such processes and procedures that help in the identification of the risks to the safety and preventing or mitigating them.

ISO 45001 Certification Principles:

  1. Customer focus – aiming to improve for the betterment of the interested parties and customer, this will help one sustain customer, increase customer base, makes sure to communicate their needs and expectation by monitoring throughout the organization
  2. Leadership – to achieve quality objectives leaders need to establish unity of purpose which is by aligning its strategy, policies, procedure and resource this will lead to better coordination of the organization’s processes one needs to establish a culture of trust and integrity, provide people with the required resource, training, authority to act with accountability
  3. Engagement of people – for efficiency involve people of all levels, this can be done by communicating with the employees their needs in the organization, sharing knowledge, and experience, recognizing people’s contributions, learning, and improvement.
  4. Process approach – when activities are understood and then executed then the efficiency of the delivered output will increase, by understanding organizations’ capabilities and determining resource constraints prior to action.
  5. Improvement- improvement is important for an organization to maintain the current level of performance and to even keep on developing, this can be done by giving proper training and letting them understand that how does a work happens with that track, review and audit planning, implementation, recognize and acknowledgment, which will result into anticipation of internal and external risks and opportunity, improved process performance.
  6. Evidence-based decision making – learn from mistakes, it is simply that decisions should be driven from evaluation of data, this will help one take better efficient solutions adding more, intuitions should never be neglected.
  7. Relationship management – manage relations with relevant interested parties such as providers, one can achieve by keeping a well-managed supply chain that provides a stable flow of products and services, determining interested party’s relationship that needs to manage,

        PDCA Cycle

  • Plan – to think that what do we need to achieve in our organization
  • Do – to execute a planned action which will help us achieve the required objective
  • Check – monitor against the standards) (policies, objectives, requirements)
  • Action – finally implementing what has been rechecked.