ISO 37001 Certification - Anti-bribery Management systems

ISO 37001 Certification - Anti-bribery Management systems

Bribery is a reason why people don’t get a chance to show their real potential, making your company an anti-bribery organization for true potential.

Bribery is one of the biggest challenges that the world is facing today. Apart from the unfair distribution of wealth, it hampers the overall economy and cripples the nations. Therefore, countries all over the world have imposed strict regulations to check bribery and corruption

The ISO 37001 Certification consists of a set of standards that must be followed by an organization for the management of anti-bribery systems in an organization. Corruption in the form of bribery is a menace especially for an organization that wants to build trust among its interested parties in order to stay relevant.

Any organization of any scale- big or small, who are involved at any stage of the food chain, i.e., production, distribution or even retail can apply for ISO 37001 Certification.

  • ISO 37001 Certification Principles:

    1. Customer focus – aiming to improve for the betterment of the interested parties and customer, this will help one sustain customer, increase customer base, makes sure to communicate their needs and expectation by monitoring throughout the organization
    2. Leadership – to achieve quality objectives leaders need to establish unity of purpose which is by aligning its strategy, policies, procedure and resource this will lead to better coordination of the organization’s processes one needs to establish a culture of trust and integrity, provide people with required resource, training, authority to act with accountability
    3. Engagement of people – for efficiency involve people of all levels, this can be done by communicating with the employees their needs in the organization, sharing knowledge, and experience, recognizing people’s contribution, learning, and improvement.
    4. Process approach – when activities are understood and then executed then the efficiency of the delivered output will increase, by understanding the organization’s capabilities and determining resource constraints prior to action.
    5. Improvement- improvement is important for an organization to maintain the current level of performance and to even keep on developing, this can be done by giving proper training and letting them understand that how does a work happens with that track, review and audit planning, implementation, recognize and acknowledgment, which will result into anticipation of internal and external risks and opportunity, improved process performance.
    6. Evidence-based decision making – learn from mistakes, it is simply that decisions should be driven from evaluation of data, this will help one take better efficient solutions adding more, intuitions should never be neglected.
    7. Relationship management – manage relations with relevant interested parties such as providers, one can achieve by keeping a well-managed supply chain that provides a stable flow of products and services, determining interested party’s relationship that needs to manage,

    PDCA Cycle

     Plan – to think that what do we need to achieve in our organization

    ✔ Do – to execute a planned action which will help us achieve the required objective

     Check – monitor against the standards) (policies, objectives, requirements)

     Action – finally implementing what has been rechecked.

    ISO 37001 Benefits

    ISO 37001 Certification can help organizations in the following ways:

    • Gives credibility and a competitive edge to your organization

    An effective anti-bribery management system ensures the transparency and integrity of your functions, causing an image boost in the market.

    • Reduce the cost of intervention

    The internal processes that regularly assess the key challenges related to bribery and corruption help in reducing or preventing costs that might be incurred as penalties for such activities.

    • Improve service and product value

    A transparent process leads to the increased value of products and services.

    • Boost your brand’s image

    The internationally recognized ISO 37001 standard against which you are certified by an independent certification body, such as UK QAC, helps in enhancing your reputation in the market

    • Proof of due diligence

    ISO 37001 certification is proof of your compliance with the anti-corruption laws of the nation. This acts as a great defense at the time of related litigation.

    ISO 37001 Requirements

    The requirements for the implementation of ISO 37001 ABMS are mentioned in the ten clauses of the Annex SL of the High-level Structure of the standard. The first three clauses are introductory in nature, whereas the remaining clauses give the specifications for the implementation of IS 37001. These are explained below:

    Clause 4 – Context of the organization: This section has 5 sub-clauses that describe what is important for the implementation of an Anti-bribery Management System in your organization. It helps you in determining your anti-bribery objectives and practices. It takes into consideration the needs and requirements of your shareholders and interested parties.

    Clause 5- Leadership: This section deals with the role of top management in ensuring the best practices in anti-bribery management. It includes approving anti-bribery policies of the organization, ensuring the alignment of the organization’s strategy in anti-bribery policy, receiving and reviewing information about the operation of the anti-bribery management system, ensuring that no personnel suffers retaliation on reporting any incident of bribery in the organization, etc.

    Clause 6- Planning: It deals with the planning of an anti-bribery management system by referring to the external and internal factors in the context of the organization. It also involves assessing the bribery risk and their effective control.

    Clause 7- Support: This includes all the necessary resources for the implementation, maintenance, and improvement of the anti-bribery management system. It requires the organization to implement controls related to the employment terms and conditions.

    Clause 8- Operation: This deals with the need of planning, implementing, monitor, and control the processes to meet the requirements of the anti-bribery management system. The organizations are required to assess their risks and impart appropriate controls to check them.

    Clause 9- Performance evaluation: The organizations are required to evaluate the performance of their management system to verify if the processes and controls are delivering the desired outcomes. The organization should review and report at regular and planned intervals to the top management about the effectiveness and shortcomings of the ABMS.

    Clause 10- Improvement: The organization is required to analyze its gap so that it can plan and execute the corrective measures. This leads to the continual improvement of the anti-bribery management system so that it can face any challenges with respect to bribery.

    ISO 37001 Process

    1. Gap Analysis

        -Understand the prerequisites of ISO standards by analyzing each clause thoroughly.

        -Analyze your system for any shortcomings.

        -You may take help from any ISO consultant to get you through this stage.

    2. Implementation

        -Prepare the required documents, records, and policies

        -Perform internal audits and management review to understand gaps and practical realties

        -Perform corrective actions to confirm conformities

    3. Certification

        -Fill the application form provided by the certification body

        -Invite the auditors from the certification body for audit and certification

        -Get your management system ISO certified.

    Stage One (documentation review) –At this stage, the auditors from the certification body verifies that your documentation meets the requirements of ISO 37001.

    Stage Two (main audit) – In this stage, the realities of your processes are matched with your statements in the documentation for their compliance to the requirements of ISO 37001 standard.

    the certification process goes further. Click here to view the next steps to the ISO certification process