Capability Maturity Model Integration

Capability Maturity Model Integration

The CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration) is a procedure as well as a software developmental model. It assists in organizing and streamlining the software development process. It advances and boosts the development process and reduces threats in software and systems. CMMI analyses your existing processes and classifies their flaws and strengths. In the next steps, measures are taken to convert the weaknesses into strengths. To conclude, the CMMI model is a pool of dependable best practices that helps in improving the quality, standards, and efficiency of the software development processes.

CMMI Certification is one of the many services offered by UK QAC, the global consulting and certification solutions provider.  CMMI applies to any company size and any industry. 

We provide CMMI consulting and certification services worldwide and to all countries.

CMMI enhances the consistency of the complete process, thereby increasing the steadiness and reliability of the project. CMMI also assists in early and more effective error detection and hence considerably reduces the cost of re-work. CMMI helps organizations streamline process improvement, encouraging a productive, efficient culture that decreases risks in software, product, and service development. The model provides businesses with a framework for developing better products and services.